good old Walters Art Museum. today my home sweet museum home reinforced for me why i love it so. besides being the best place to work EVER, and one of the greatest art museums for kids (in my personal opinion), it has an amazing collection (i say that for those of you out there who are dumb enough to not have gone yet and don't already know- i forgive you if you've been living on mars or some other faraway planet). this amazing collection never fails to inspire and delight, and since i spent some time probing it with my collections in/of baltimore city class today, i have renewed vigor, interest, and awe for it. above are a few things which inspired/excited me on this trip for your viewing pleasure. please be sure to go and see them in person, as i could not find an exact picture for every one! ~sarah
(from top to bottom: this vase is similar to the white porcelain vases they have that are super beautiful; this lyre clock is so cool- around the face it has all the different symbols of astrology signs corresponding to different numbers; blue and white china is a favorite of mine- to see and to collect cheap knockoffs; sevres porcelain- this is a piece they actually have but one of my favorites is a pink pair of vases (?) with elephant handles; the cabinet of curiosities- this is a painting of one but it hangs in the actual cabinet of curiosities in the museum, which is wonderful and i am especially fond of the natural wonders section- there will definitely be a later post relating to my own natural wonders collection!; and finally, in the spirit (blah) of valentine's day (double blah) is this painting- love the colors and composition!- of a gentleman stirring the object of his affection's lemonade- she is love sick and he wants her to know he loves her too. so he stirs her lemonade. if only it was that simple!)
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